29 October 2007
Sold u-blox
My limit sell order for u-blox (UBXN) at CHF 66.00 gets executed shortly after the open, with a gain of 10% in three days.
26 October 2007
UBXN: first trading day
Analising GOOG
The price of Google (GOOG) dropped to the trendline on 22 October but has continued to rally. Yesterday, it closed at USD 668.51, well above the trendline, and stochastic remains high.
Bought UBXN
Before the open today I ordered some more at market and they got bought at CHF 60.00. Later, the price dropped, with a low of CHF 58.10 so far.
I now place a limit sell order at CHF 66.00 valid until 31 October, only for the quantity I bought at market today, not the small quantity I got allocated on subscription.
25 October 2007
Bought Holcim
I buy Holcim (HOLN) towards the close at CHF 127.40. This is the same price at which the stock opened today.
24 October 2007
Watching HOLN
I shall watch it at the open tomorrow and decide then whether to take the risk to buy it. Does today's doji candle signal the beginning of an uptrend?.
23 October 2007
Subscribed u-blox
"October 16, 2007 -- u-blox Holding AG publishes today the details of its planned initial public offering (IPO) on the SWX Swiss Exchange. The price range for the registered shares being offered will be between CHF 42 and CHF 54 per share. Bookbuilding will start today and is expected to end on October 25, 2007, 12.00 noon (CET). The first trading day on the main segment of the SWX Swiss Exchange is planned for October 26, 2007."
Evaluating HOLN
I see that stochastic 15/5/15 does not give reliable signals and I shall have to experiment with other parameters.
22 October 2007
Analysing HTC
I see that the market has already factored these exptectations into the price. In view of the high volatility of the price, I decide against buying the stock at this time.
17 October 2007
GOOG looks alright for today
Evaluating GOOG
The stock has had an excellent run and I fear a reversal. At the open today I will watch it closely, with a view to selling it if indicated.
09 October 2007
Sold Holcim
My order to sell HOLN at market at the open gets executed at CHF 133.60, with a gain of 12% in 48 days.
08 October 2007
Sell order for Holcim
Today's closing price gives a sell signal on the trendline and I place an order to sell at market at the open tomorrow.
Sold Swatch
The closing price on Friday, 5 October gave a sell signal on the trendline and I sell Swatch (UHR) today at CHF 376.50, with a gain of 3.2% in 46 days.
Next time, I shall buy UHRN on SWX. With the same transaction dates, this would have given me a gain of 8.5%
06 October 2007
Evaluating GOOG
The trendline gave a sell signal on 4 October, stochastic already on 2 October, but I am holding on to GOOG for the moment and will see what Monday brings.