09 October 2012

Not buying AGQ at the moment

My experimental trading plan for the ETF Pro Shares Ultra Silver (NYSEARCA:AGQ) gave me a buy signal at today's close, but I have the impression that the price is on a downward trend and am modifying my plan to use it only on a clear upward trend.

08 October 2012

04 October 2012

AGQ: sold

My trailing stop order to sell AGQ was executed today at USD 59.5217, giving me a profit of  0.5%

AGQ: changed sell order

I changed the sell order to be with a trailing stop of USD 0.10. Based on the high since making this change, the sale should go through for at least USD 59.57

AGQ: sell limit order

I have given a limit sell order at USD for half 59.84, ie at 1% higher than my purchase price two days ago.

02 October 2012

AGQ: bought today

I bought the ETF Pro Shares Ultra Silver (NYSEARCA:AGQ) today at market open at USD 59.25

This purchase was made by mistake. I thought I had given an order to sell at market open and then cancelled that order a minute or two before the open but it seems that I gave by mistake that order to buy and it did not get cancelled fast enough before the open. Too bad; I am holding on to these additional shares for the moment and see if I can sell them soon at a profit.

01 October 2012

AGQ: bought today

I bought the ETF Pro Shares Ultra Silver (NYSEARCA:AGQ) today near the close at USD 58.9683

Found out that to buy at market on close, the order must be entered at least 15 minutes before the close.

AGQ: sold today

I placed a sell order at market for the ETF Pro Shares Ultra Silver (NYSEARCA:AGQ) today before the open and this was executed at at the open at USD 59.46, resulting in a profit of 2.1% in 3 days.